David Allen
Car Painting

Car Painting

Expertly restoring your
vehicles to new.

Professional Ag and Infrastructure Vehicle painting

High-quality car painting services in Taumarunui.

Agricultural Machine Painting
Expert Colour Matching

We paint Cars, Boats, Machines, Furniture, Doors & more

David Allen
Car Painter

Photo by Siva Seshappan: https://www.pexels.com/

About US

Your trusted partner for quality car painting and restoration located at Manunui Taumarunui, servicing Ruapehu for decades. As specialist painters (not Panelbeaters) David Allen and the team don't just paint Cars, Boats and Machines, we paint almost ANYTHING including furniture and kitchen doors. You name it, we paint it. As specialists in Car and Vehicle painting, we now do quite a lot of vintage restoration and custom painting with customers sometimes travelling from afar to work with us. We do our best to go way past our customer's expectations and always strive for excellence in everything we do while providing friendly down to earth country service at fair prices. If you are looking to have your Car or other items painted, we are happy to discuss your options with you so you make the right choice.
Call Dave on Ph 07 895 8991 and find out more

David Allen Car Painters, Trusted by locals for Decades

We paint almost anything...

Expert Painting services for more than vehicles in Taumarunui Ruapehu and beyond.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

David is always on the ball. Did a great Job. Magic!

Helen Carroll

person holding green and white plastic bottle
person holding green and white plastic bottle

Very friendly, super helpful, great service
and excellent work

Tarnz Cowie

a person kneeling next to a car
a person kneeling next to a car